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Indoor RF Monitoring [MonitEM-Lab]


MonitEM-Lab can warn of a higher than expected electromagnetic field level in different ways: by sending an alarm to the control centre (to be received by the specified e-mail addresses), or by a sound alarm or a light alarm.


All the alarms are built in, making the device compact with no need for external accessories. The alarm to the control center is transmitted via ethernet, the audible alarm is internal to the equipment, like the visible alarm, which noticeably illuminates the entire dome of the indoor RF (Radio frequency) monitoring equipment.



  • 24/7 MONITORING: Permanent around the clock monitoring
  • ALARMS: Realtime, audible and visual alarms
  • BROADBAND MEASUREMENT: For an easy indoor RF monitoring of human exposure
  • COMPLIANCE WITH ITU-T K.83: Direct, easy and comprehensible comparison with regulated limits
  • CONTROL CENTER: Optional software for system management