Sustainable Construction
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The electronic personal dosimeter in credit card format, DOSICARD, is the key element in a unique modular dosimetry system that can be adapted to your individual needs (see DOSICARD data sheet).
The DOSICARD can be used as a stand-alone personal dosimeter, in small nuclear and medical laboratories as well as by large service companies in the nuclear sector, in nuclear research centers, accelerators and nuclear power plants.
The DoseManager System is a small system designed for an easy deployment.
The DOSICARDs can be linked via a badge reader to a PC. The DoseManager software is required to program the cards for data retrieval and for database (ACCESS) operations.
Specifications Electrical/Mechanical Badge reader LCB
Wireless communication with the DOSICARD via a bidirectional infrared link that transmits even through the plastic badge pocket.
Serial RS-232 link to any personal computer, cable supplied: